Quick break coupled with some business in George. Left Cape Town very early to avoid the traffic and had a slow drive, avoided Gordons Bay itself then took the coast road stopping in at Hangklip, Pringle Bay, Harold Porter Gardens at Betty’s Bay, through Hermanus and a stop/go but much better than last time on the new road through to Stanford.
Early morning sun just past Gordons Bay
And into Stanford – Time was when the Church Spire was the centre of Town !
We stayed out of Town up the road about 12kms at Stanford Country Lodge for two nights, very pleasant stayed here before and they have an excellent restaurant.
Up at the Dam above the lodge into a kloof
Looking back across the farmlands – this place is lush with water.
Making arty figures for around the lodge
Back down at the Lodge
So a nice two-night stay with lots of walks and we set off for Wilderness, going through the farm roads before reluctantly re-joining the N2 at Swellendam. On the way we pass a sad abandoned farm – beautiful old “Cape Georgian House” now occupied by hundreds of birds. So sad to see.
Lunch break; no trains coming this way anymore.
Turbines disfiguring the landscape
And so back again at Ebb & Flo, South Camp, Wilderness, where we took a chalet. There were a lot of campers
Knysna Loerie; they are so difficult to capture, usually hiding away deep in the trees
Out and about a bit. Wilderness station sadly no more either.
Up above Ebb and Flo in the Forest with the large Stinkwood Tree.
I wonder what lives in there at night.
Forest Walk through all the cobwebs.
Back at Ebb & Flo I got lucky again.
Pretty “Pond Life” She didn’t mind, as you can see…
So a week away mostly good weather, left for home at 8.00am – 450 odd Kms back – home by 1.00pm not much traffic – mid-week, nice time had by all.
Album at: My Photo Album